Be Fruitful & Multiply
Abundance in a Seed
Thy Kingdom - Come
Thy Kingdom Come
God's Big Picture
Repent and Believe the Gospel of the Kingdom
Christ’s first advent
Parables about the Kingdom of God
1. The Parables of the Banquets
2. Why did Jesus teach in parables?
3. The Mustard and the Growth of the Kingdom. of God
4. Why did Jesus teach in parables?
The Gospel of Kingdom
1. The Kingdom is now, here, within you
2. The Importance of the Kingdom
3. Concepts of the Kingdom
4. Concepts of the Kingdom
5. Kingdom of Priests
6. Kingdom of Priests
7. The priority of God’s Kingdom - 1
8. The priority of God’s Kingdom - 2
9. Absence of or misplaced priority
10. World's priorities flipped by Christ
14. What Does It Mean to Live in a Kingdom?
15. If God is Sovereign King, then why this chaos on earth?
16. Alternate kingdoms - 1
17. Alternate kingdoms - 2
18. Kingdom of God – In the Old Testament
More than Conquerors
More than Conquerors
How to overcome evil?
Faith brings victory that overcomes the world
The peace that comes from resurrection
Entering God's Rest
The key to overcoming life is God's love
His Kingdom Come
Seeking First His Kingdom -Consequences
On earth as it is in heaven
1. The Big Picture
2. Following the example of Jesus Christ, the Son of Man
3. The bridge between heaven and earth
4. Reach out to heaven to change earth
5. How to see and walk from heaven’s perspective?
6. How to see and walk from heaven’s perspective?
7. Remember His benefits: Looking from heaven and living on earth
8. Remember His benefits: Looking from heaven and living on earth
9. Remember His benefits: Looking from heaven and living on earth
Jesus the Healer
1. Healing of the Woman with the Issue of Blood
2. Healing of the Woman with the Issue of Blood
3. Faith through the roof
4. Faith through the roof
5. Paralytic healed – Four types of doors
6. The First Miracle – at Cana
7. The first miracle of Jesus – Meeting the Needs
8. Jesus casts out demons
9. How Jesus dealt with demons
10. How Jesus dealt with demons
11. How Jesus Healed the Sick
12. How Jesus Healed the Sick
13. Another great purpose of miracles
14. Another great purpose of miracles
15. Jesus raises Lazarus from the tomb
Last Days Revival – My Part
1. The beginnings of the modern Spirit-led Revival
2. Azusa Street Revival – William Seymour
3. Maria Woodworth Etter – a simple woman used of God as a leader of the Pentecostal revival
4. Smith Wigglesworth - an apostle of faith
5. Smith Wigglesworth - an apostle of faith
6. John G. Lake - "God’s Apostle to Africa "
7. John G. Lake - "God’s Apostle to Africa "
8. TL Osborn – most influential international evangelist of our times
9. TL Osborn – most influential international evangelist of our times
10. TL Osborn – most influential international evangelist of our times
11. TL Osborn – His message
12. David Wilkerson: the compassion of Christ & the power of the Holy Spirit
13. Life and Times of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
14. Life and Times of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
Fear of the Lord
1. Wisdom is calling you
2. Fear of the Lord-2
3. Blessings from the fear of the Lord
4. Blessings from the fear of the Lord
5. What is wisdom?
6. Partnering with God to obtain wisdom
7. Wisdom and the tree of life
8. Wisdom and the tree of life
9. Proverbs and Workplace
10. Proverbs and Workplace - 2
11. Proverbs and Workplace - 3
12. Proverbs and Money - 1
13. Proverbs and Money - 2
14. Proverbs and Money - 3
15. Conventional wisdom Versus Godly wisdom in the book of Proverbs
Be Transformed
Praying with faith takes you to Christ’s perspective
Use prayer time & faith to renew your mind
Miracles and Transformation of Mind
Blessings and Renewed Mind
Repentance and Renewal of Mind
Repentance and Renewal of Mind - 2
Repentance Precedes Revival
The Renewed Mind & Sustained Repentance - 2
Moving Forward - Power of The Gospel
The Holy Spirit and Renewed mind
Your spirit, your mind, and your body
Being Baptised to Serve
Your spirit, your mind, and your body - 2
Your spirit, your mind, and your body - 3
Cross of Christ - Our Full Salvation
SOZO - Complete Salvation
Do Not Limit the Limitless God
An introduction to Hebrews
1. Our Great High Priest
2. Jesus is greater than angels
3. Jesus is greater than angels
4. Jesus – the Author & Captain of our salvation
5. Jesus calls us brothers and sisters
6. The High Priestly Garments - and the heavenly pattern
7. The High Priestly Garments - and the heavenly pattern
8. About faith, faithfulness, and unbelief
9. Unbelief and God's rest
10. Facts about God's rest
11. Facts about God's rest
12. Jesus our High Priest: appointed and qualified
13. Christian maturity through discernment
14. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest
15. Foundational Doctrines
16. Build on foundation – do not tear down
17. Our Hope and His Promises
18. Jesus is our High Priest
19. Jesus is our High Priest
20. A superior High Priest
21. Copy and shadow of one in heaven
22. Comparison of the old and the new covenants
23. Comparison of the old and the new covenants
24. The Tabernacle
25. Scapegoat and the day of atonement
26. Truths Illustrated by the Day of Atonement
27. Covenant and a life laid down
28. Finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross
29. Open heaven – as you focus on Christ
30. Focus on and Confess our High Priest
31. Why should we meet together?
32. What a man of faith must not do?
33. Faith is the foundation / The foundations of faith
34. Forerunners in Faith - 1
35. Forerunners in Faith - 2
36. Forerunners in Faith - 3
37. Abraham’s Faith
38. Faith of Jacob & Joseph
39. Faith of Moses
40. Justified by Faith - Rahab
41. Run the race
42. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
43. Lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees
44. Do not fail to receive God’s grace
45. Mount Sinai contrasted with Mount Zion
46. We who receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken
47. Practical applications
48. Practical applications
49. Practical applications
My Fullness in Christ
My Fullness in Christ
Let’s think and talk about Christ–focus only on Christ
From His fullness – we receive contentment
God's Full Plan For You
Fullness Of The Gospel
Depth of New Covenant
Transformation Of Our Mind By The Gospel Truth
My Peace, Power And Position In His Resurrection
Fullness Of His Rest And Living From It
Hosting the Presence of the Spirit
Hosting the Presence of the Spirit -2
Praying In The Spirit
How best to host the Holy Spirit
God's Promises
Fullness of His Knowledge - 1
Fullness of His Knowledge - 2
Fullness of My Fellowship with Christ - The Power of Communion
Our Fellowship with Jesus Christ & His Example
Pray Like Jesus - Open Heaven
Fullness of Communion & Finished Work of the Cross
Fullness of My Inheritance in Christ Jesus
Fullness of My Inheritance In Christ Jesus
Every Spiritual Blessing
The Open Grave and The Open Heaven
His promises in Christ: Think, Believe, Confess
Jesus accomplished for us through His blood
Fullness Of God's Word
Fullness Of Forgiveness
1. Marks of a hypocrite
2. Account of a hypocrite
3. How God handles Hypocrites
The reality of Heaven & Hell
1. Why should we understand about the Realities of heaven and hell?
2. What happens to a person immediately after death?
3. What is "NEW HEAVEN" and "NEW EARTH"? - 1
4. What is "NEW HEAVEN" and "NEW EARTH"? - 2
5. What will it mean for the curse to be lifted?
6. Why is resurrection so important? - 1
7. Why is resurrection so important? - 2
9. Seeing the earth restored -1
10. What will it mean to see God?
11. What will it mean for God to dwell among us?
12. What does God's eternal kingdom involve?
13. Will we actually rule with Christ?
14. Should we want to rule with Christ?
15. How will we rule God's kingdom?
16. Hell is real
17. The reality of everlasting hell – and its impact today - 1
18. The reality of everlasting hell – and its impact today - 2
19. Can you know you're going to Heaven?
20. Reorienting ourselves to Heaven as our home
21. What can death do to us?
22. Eternal Judgement
23. Eternal Judgement
24. His Judgment is Coming - What are we to do about these now
25. His Judgment is Coming: Four practical ways to express our obedience
26. Facing the end of the age without fear
Christ is Supreme
Eagerly Awaiting
Realities of Heaven and Hell
My Fullness in Christ
An introduction to Hebrews
Prayer Request